Our Baby Sun Conures will make great companions. Show them a little love, proper training, and socialization, these birds are sure to brighten the homes and lives of the people that choose to keep them. They are Colorful and intelligent, these birds have inherent playful and affectionate nature blended with charming personalities



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Description: The sun conure is one of the more popular conures of its size due to its stunning plumage, its extraordinary disposition, and its exceptional quality as a companion bird. Sun conure for sale is lively, vocal, and expressive; The sun conure is approximately 12 inches long and is most recognizable by its bright orange. yellow coloring, often mottled here and there with splotches of green.

The sun conure has a black beak, white rings around its eyes, and a long, tapering tail. The sunny’s striking coloration and sweet temperament make it a favorite among pet owners and a darling with experienced Bird owners. Immature birds do not reach their full coloration for about two years. Though the coloration between the sexes is very similar, the males are said to be slightly brighter. Males are also said to have a squarer, flatter head and females a rounder, smaller head, though only experienced breeders are good at eyeing the birds and making an educated guess. Certainly, there’s no difference in pet quality. where can I buy a sun conure?


The sun conure is native to South America, specifically Venezuela, Northern Brazil, and Guyana.


The sun conure is no messier than smaller birds and loves to be outside of the cage for playtime.  It will appreciate another sun conure as a “comrade” and will not lose its pet quality if the owners are attentive to both birds. Sun conure for sale

A sun conure should be offered a nutritionally balanced manufactured diet, variety of fruits and vegetables. Conures have busy beaks, which makes Lafeber foods a conure favorite. Lafeber’s Avi-Cakes, Pellet-Berries, and Nutri-Berries offer balanced nutrition that appeals to a conure’s chewing needs.

A sun conure can live between 15 to 25 years with proper nutrition, exercise, and regular veterinary visits. Breeding females or pets laying eggs without a mate are prone to egg binding and calcium deficiency.

Buy Sun Conure Online


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